1) O Christian youth, arise,
And gird thee for the fight;
Put on the shining shield of faith,
Trust God, and do the right.
2) Be strong, thro’ grace divine,
Walk ever in the light;
Repose no confidence in self,
Trust God, and do the right.
3) Fear not, for One is near
To show His pow’r and might;
In all thy conflicts with the foe,
Trust God, and do the right.
4) Press onward in His name,
And in His word delight;
Stand firm for Christ and for His Church,
Trust God, and do the right.
Words: Ira David Sankey (1840-1908)
Christian Endeavor Edition of Gospel Hymns No. 6
(Boston, Massachusetts: United Society of Christian Endeavor, 1891)
Music: LABAN, 1830, Lowell Mason (1792-1872)
„Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.“
Weblinks und Verweise
Liedeintrag bei Hymnary.org
Notensatz, 4stimmig, ohne Liedtext (pdf, LABAN; externer Link zu Hymnary.org)
Audiodatei (midi, LABAN; externer Link zu Hymnary.org)
Liedeintrag bei The Cyber Hymnal
Audiodateien (midi, ogg, externe Links zu The Cyber Hymnal)
No. 82, in: Hallowed Hymns, New and Old: for use in prayer and praise meetings, evangelistic services, sunday schools, young people’s societies and all other departments of church work. Editor: Ira Allan Sankey. Biglow & Main Co., Chicago/U.S.A., 1911 [Digitalisat]