Christian Hymns
It is the first duty of a hymn to teach sound doctrine and thence to save souls.
Abide with me (Lyte/Monk)
Ah! Lord, how shall I meet Thee (Gerhardt/Winkworth)
A hundred thousand souls a day (A Missionary Cry, A.B. Simpson)
All my life I had a longing (Williams)
„Almost persuaded“, Now to believe (Bliss)
Amazing Grace (Newton)
And now, my soul, another year (Browne/Peace)
Are you living for today (O.J. Smith)
Be a Light for Jesus (R.O. Smith)
Behold a stranger at the door (Grigg)
Behold the Lamb of God! (Bridges)
Be still My Soul (von Schlegel/Borthwick)
Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine (This is My Story, Crosby)
Brightly Beams our Father’s Mercy (Let the Lower Lights Be Burning, Bliss)
Calling Now (This loving Saviour, Bliss)
Come, Gracious Spirit, Heavenhy Dove (Gould)
Come, Thou Bright and Morning Star
Come to Jesus, come today (Come to Jesus, guilt confessing, Jennie Bain Wilson)
Come to the Saviour, make no Delay (Root)
Crown Him with many Crowns (Bridges/Thring)
Day of wrath, O day of mourning! (Thomas of Celano, John B. Dykes)
Dayspring of Eternity (Hopkins)
DIES IRAE. The Great Judgment Hymn.
Gabbatha, in the Judgement Hall (Ecce homo, Campbell)
God be with you till we meet again (Rankin)
Go work in My vineyard (O’Kane)
He gave me Beauty for Ashes (Manzano)
He is Exalted / I Exalt Thee (Sounds Like Reign)
He will hide me (When the Storms of Life are Raging, Servoss/McGranahan)
He will listen to you (When the weight of this world, Heard)
Hold the Fort (Ho, my comrades! See the signal, Bliss)
How Bright Appears the Morning Star (Mercer/Nicolai)
I am so glad that our Father in heaven (I am so glad that Jesus loves me, Bliss)
I hear Thy welcome voice (Hartsough)
I know in Whom I put my Trust (Arndt/Winkworth)
I know not why God’s wondrous grace (Whittle)
I know whom I have believed (Whittle)
I’ll trust in Thee! (Though thunders roll, Lawley)
I’m a Child of the King (My Father is rich in houses and lands, Buell)
In The Sweet By and By (There’s a Land that is Fairer than Day, Bennett)
I stand all bewildered with Wonder (Crafts)
It is well with my Soul (Spafford/Bliss)
Jesus Is My Saviour (My soul is happy all day long, Lowry)
Jesus, refuge of the weary (Savonarola)
Joy to the World, the Lord is Come (Watts)
Joyful, Joyful will the Meeting be (Come to the Saviour, make no Delay)
Just as I Am (Elliott)
Lord, keep us steadfast in your Word (Luther/Winkworth)
Lord, my wayward heart is broken (Crosby)
Lost and Found (Sammis)
Love divine, all loves excelling (Charles Wesley)
Man of Sorrows! what a Name (Bliss)
Marvelous Grace of Our Loving Lord (Grace Greater than our Sin, Johnston)
More Love to Thee, o Christ (Prentiss)
My hope is built on nothing less (Mote)
My Father is rich in houses and lands (I’m a child of the King, Buell)
My Saviour First of All (When My Life Work is Ended, Crosby)
Naught have I gotten but what I received (Only a Sinner, Gray)
Nearer, still nearer, close to thy heart (Morris)
O Christian youth, arise, And gird thee for the fight (Sankey/Mason)
O Depth of Mercy, Can it be (There is a gate that stands ajar, Baxter)
O Food to Pilgrims Given (Riley)
O God, my Faithful God (Heermann/Winkworth)
Oh, to have no Christ, no Saviour (No Hope in Jesus, Cushing)
O the deep, deep love of Jesus (Francis/Williams)
O wandering souls (Whoever will may come today, Crosby/Sankey)
Pure Gold (Why labor for treasures that rust and decay, Crosby)
Rock of Ages, cleft for me (Toplady)
Send the Light (Gabriel)
Shall we meet beyond the river? (Hastings)
Sing the wondrous love of Jesus (When we all get to Heaven, Hewitt)
Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling (Thompson)
Songs of Thankfulness and Praise (Wordsworth)
Thank ye the Lord, Give thanks to the Lord (Herrosee/Brückner)
That Awful Day Will Surely Come (Isaac Watts)
That Old, Old Story Is True (Watkins)
The Bird with the Broken Wing (Butterworth)
The Day thou gavest, Lord, is ended (Ellerton)
The Judgement Day (Are you living for today, O.J. Smith)
The Road to Heaven by Christ was made (Booth)
The Saviour who Loves Me (Gray)
The World is very evil (Bernard de Morlaix/John M. Neale)
There are lonely hearts to cherish (Cooper/Sankey)
There is a gate that stands ajar (O depth of mercy can it be, Baxter)
There is a faith sublime and grand (The Triumphs of Faith, Beegle)
There is a Redeemer (Melody Green-Sievright)
There’s a Land that is Fairer than Day (In the Sweet By and By)
There is Love, true Love (Bliss/Granahan)
There is Work to do for Jesus (And the harvest is in view, Lucy Hall Walker Washington)
This is My Story (Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine, Crosby)
This World is Not My Home (Brumley)
Throw Out the Life-Line (Ufford)
’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus (Stead)
’Tis the promise of God, full salvation to give (Bliss)
Trust and Obey (When we Walk with the Lord, Sammis/Towner)
Unto the hills around do I lift up (Campbell/Purday)
Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying (Nicolai/Winkworth)
Wash me, O Lamb of God (Beegle)
We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations (Sterne)
What a friend we have in Jesus (Scriven)
When all my labors and trials are o’er (Gabriel)
When he cometh to make up his jewels (Cushing/Root)
When Peace like a River (Bliss)
When the Storms of Life are Raging (He will hide me, Servoss/McGranahan)
When the Trumpet Shall Sound (In the Morning of Joy, Evilsizer)
When we all get to Heaven (Sing the wondrous love of Jesus)
Whoever will may come today (O wandering souls, Crosby/Sankey)
Why do you wait, dear brother? (Why not, Why not, Root)
Wonderful Grace of Jesus (Lillenas)
Work, for the Night is Coming (Coghill)