Be a Light for Jesus (Smith)

Will you be a light in this world for Jesus?
Shedding forth your rays in this vale of woe;
Blessing many lives who are in the shadows,
Wafting back the gloom where’er you go.


Would you shine for Jesus everywhere?
Scatter smiles and sunshine here and there?
Everywhere you go in this world of woe,
Take the sunshine of His love.

Will you be a light in this world for Jesus?
He will help you shine as a glowing flame;
You will have the smile of His joy and blessing,
As you brightly beam in His precious name.


Will you be a light in this world for Jesus?
Shining forth His glory and love each day;
Yielding up your life in His blessed service,
Giving up your will to His loving sway.


Liedtext: Robert O. Smith, bei Charlie Tillman, 1903
Melodie: Charles „Charlie“ Davis Tillman (1861-1943)


The Revival No. 4, by Charlie T. Tillman. Suitable for all Kinds of Religious Meetings. Atlanta / Georgia, 1903

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Audiofile der Melodie (midi, externer Link zu