Congregational singing from Trinity Free Presbyterian Church, Trinity, Alabama
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1) Wash me, O Lamb of God,
Wash me from sin;
By Thine atoning blood,
Oh, make me clean;
Purge me from ev’ry stain,
Let me Thine image gain,
In love and mercy reign
O’er all within.
2) Wash me, O Lamb of God,
Wash me from sin;
I long to be like Thee,
All pure within;
Now let the crimson tide,
Shed from Thy wounded side,
Be to my heart applied,
And make me clean.
3) Wash me, O Lamb of God,
Wash me from sin;
I will not, cannot rest
Till pure within;
All human skill is vain,
But Thou canst cleanse each stain
Till not a spot remain,
Made wholly clean.
4) Wash me, O Lamb of God,
Wash me from sin;
By faith Thy cleansing blood
Now makes me clean;
So near Thou art to me,
So sweet my rest in Thee,
Oh, blessed purity!
Saved, saved from sin.
5) Wash me, O Lamb of God,
Wash me from sin;
Thou, while I trust in Thee,
Wilt keep me clean;
Each day to Thee I bring
Heart, life, yea, ev’rything;
Saved while to Thee I cling,
Saved from all sin.
Liedtext: Henry Barnett Beegle (1818 – 1895)
Melodie: William James Kirkpatrick (1838 – 1921)
Andere Melodie: Lowell Mason (1792-1872)
Quelle: Lied Nr. 175, The Finest of the Wheat, No. 2
The Finest of the Wheat, No. 2. Hymns, New and Old for Missionary and Revival Meetings and Sunday Schools. Edited by Geo. D. Elderkin, Jno. R. Sweney, C. C. McCabe, W. J. Kirkpatrick, F. A. Hardin. Publishers: R. R. McCabe & Co., Chicago/Illinois, 1894.
Biographie von Henry Barnett Beegle (externer Link zu
Biographie von William James Kirkpatrick (externer Link zu
Audiofile (Kirkpatrick, midi, externer Link zu