Lord, my wayward heart is broken,
May I come to Thee?
In Thy gentle arms of mercy
Hast Thou room for me?
Save me! Save me!
Weeping at the cross I bow;
Hear my humble supplication:
Jesus, save me now.
Tho’ I long have grieved Thy Spirit,
Long refused Thy grace,
Do not cast me from Thy presence,
Do not hide Thy face.
Could my faith but touch Thy garment,
Healed my soul would be;
Let Thy smile of sweet forgiveness,
Shed one beam for me.
Save me now, or I must perish,
Save me, I implore;
Speak those loving words so tender,
„Go and sin no more.“
Words: Frances Jane „Fanny“ Crosby (1820-1915)
Music: William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921)
John Robson Sweney: The Wells of Salvation, with William Kirkpatrick (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: John J. Hood, 1881)
Weblinks und Verweise:
Notensatz, 4stimmig (pdf, externer Link zu Hymntime.com)